Sunday, December 27, 2009

your cooler than the flip side of my pillow (pt. 1)

so i got inspired by the movie Julie & Julia to blog. This movie comes highly recommended. by me. If you haven't seen the movie, one of the main characters blogs as she cooks her way through a Julia Child cookbook. So, upon seeing that, i decided that i would blog. I like typing over writing these days. Most all documents in school are required to be typed, so i guess i've formed a habit. it's almost as addictive as Facebook. keyword-almost. FB is kind of over rated these days. i guess the hype for me has worn off. sure i like telling everyone what's on my mind, weekly, sometimes daily but i get tired of the news feed filling up with "jake is in the living room. jake has moved to the kitchen. jake just ate a sandwhich. jake is full. jake is lame." Seriously? who needs to know what "jake" is doing every 10 minutes? much less daily. Some days, sure, i like to update twice daily, but it's annoying even to me.
enough about facebook.
i re-watched Because i said so again tonight. what a cute movie. i decided that i love Mandy Moore. She is an incredible singer & actress.
i prefer her version over Rhianna's. personally. feel free to debate me on that if you care.
my goal is to blog once daily. if not at least daily, then a few times a week. i feel that getting out my thoughts, even if they seem pointless, will help me to be more relaxed overall. maybe i'm wrong, i'll let you know.
so maybe by now, you've noticed my blog title. "Local ramblings of a college student". Are you wondering why i didn't name it, Ramblings of a local college student? maybe you have given a second thought to it. maybe not. i'm not sure why i named it what that, i just did. Don't ask me why.
i'm going to pause for a minute to get a bite to eat. hold tight, i know the suspense will eat you ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Ok, so an hour later...i'm back. nothing like cheese sauce & corn chips for a evening snack. i must say, i'm in a much better mood now. when i got home from work i wasn't in the best of moods. no reason in particular. just because...
title of my blog= line from the new uncle kracker song called "smile"
here is a line from the song:
you make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh you make me smile

how sweet is that?
anyways, i'm gonna watch some it's always sunny in Philadelphia since desperate housewives won't be on for a few more weeks. speaking of tv shows...if you see SouthLAnd on in January i would totally recommend it! great show!

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